Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We're in Like Sin

I wish I could say my life fucking rules, but I can't. I'm probably getting passed up for the promotion I was promised at work. It's fucking gay. I don't think I'll ever catch a break. It's so unnerving. I want to just pick up and leave sometimes. I hate to sound so depressed but nothing seems to be going right for me at the moment. I wish I had some help. I guess I just have to learn from all of this and grow. Roll with the punches you know?

"Not for one second can I imagine a retraction. How much longer can we take beauty for granted?We've a lack of reason, an absence of passion. We're without clarity, in a world of empty vision and I doubt there's a better place for anyone until we learn love"

Why do I do this to myself?


  1. Don't be afraid to seek God, my friend. He's waiting for you to ask him to help. He can take anything from the ashes and make it incredible. Confide in him first and foremost, and see what is in store. The hardest part of life is waiting, but God promises that it will be worth it in the end. Keep your head up.
